Before we can begin to Confirm Your Identity, please read the terms of the Electronic Communication (E-Sign Disclosure and Consent). This Consent covers electronic records, as specified within this document, for your deposit and loan accounts at EverTrust Bank as well as all communications and required disclosures related to accessing your accounts through the use of EverTrust Bank Online Banking Platform.
By consenting to electronic delivery, you understand and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this electronic consent. If you choose not to agree, you will not be eligible to complete this enrollment online. Instead, you will have the option to manually sign up for online banking by executing the Online Access Agreement in one of our branches.
Please read this consent ("Consent") completely. This Consent covers electronic records, as specified below, for your deposit and loan accounts ("Account(s)") at EverTrust Bank (the "Bank"). The words "we," "us," "our" and other similar terms refer to the Bank, and the words "you," "your" and other similar terms mean you, the individual(s) or entity identified on the Account(s).
If you choose not to agree by clicking the "Cancel" button below, you have the option to sign up for online banking by executing the Online Access Agreement in one of our branches. If you select to "Cancel" below, however, you will not be eligible to receive electronic periodic statements for your Account(s) and you will continue to receive paper periodic statements, including disclosures and notices. Your decision to select "Cancel" below will not limit our ability to otherwise communicate with you electronically, to the extent not prohibited by applicable law.
Electronic RecordsBy clicking the "I Accept" button, you understand and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Consent, and authorize the Bank to provide to you in electronic format, by electronic e-mail or website posting or through logged in website interaction, the following communications (collectively referred to herein as "Communications") regarding your Accounts:
You may obtain paper copies of any of the Communications the Bank provides to you electronically by sending your written request to EverTrust Bank, Attn: Operations Administration, 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 505 City of Industry, CA 91746. If you request a paper-based copy, the Bank will provide the first copy to you free of Bank fees or charges. The Bank will mail paper-based copies of a Communication to you (at the address shown on the Bank's records) within 5 business days after the date the Bank receives your request. Although we do not currently impose a fee or other charge for paper copies of Communications, we reserve the right to impose a fee or charge in the future and to change such fee at any time.
Withdrawal of ConsentIf you wish to withdraw your consent, you may do so at any time. Once we have had a reasonable opportunity to respond to your consent withdrawal, we will terminate the delivery of future Communications to you in electronic form. To withdraw your consent, all you need to do is contact the Bank by phone (626) 656.1109 or (866) 985.0616, write to us at EverTrust Bank, Attn: Operations Administration, 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 505 City of Industry, CA 91746. Your withdrawal will not affect the previously delivered electronic Communications. We do not currently impose any fee or other charge if you choose not to consent or if you withdraw your consent. However, we reserve the right to impose a fee in the future and to change such fee at any time.
Hardware or Software RequirementsIn order for you to access and retain the Communications, you will need a computer with sufficient memory to store electronic records as well as a working connection to the internet. To receive, review, download and print the Communications electronically, you will need Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox and Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or higher. For Macintosh users, we suggest Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher or Mozilla Firefox. Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled in the browser options.
If the Bank changes the minimum hardware or software requirements needed to access or retain the Communications, and the change creates a material risk that you will not be able to access or retain a subsequent record, then before the change takes effect the Bank will let you know about the change and the new requirements. The Bank will notify you by e-mail, and at that time you will be allowed to choose whether you still want to give the Bank your consent to receiving Communications by electronic means. If not, you will be allowed to withdraw your consent at that time.
How the Service WorksSome Communications will be provided to you after you give your consent, by clicking "I Accept," below. For continuing or future Communications, you may periodically receive an email notification that an electronic record or notice is available for review and you will be directed to information posted at the Bank's website. To view the Communications you may also be required to access the Bank's website, open the secure connection for online access, and click on the necessary tabs (for example, when accessing electronic records that contain personally identifiable financial information). We reserve the right, from time to time, to deliver one or more Communications in paper form instead of electronic form by mailing a Communications to the last known mailing address on our records for you. In the event that we do so, we are in no way terminating this Consent and we may continue to provide Communications to you in electronic form.
Email AddressIn order to ensure that the Bank is able to provide you with Communications, important notices and other information from time to time, you must provide the Bank with your current e-mail address and update the Bank with any changes. You can update your e-mail address by logging on to your online account at If you fail to update or change an incorrect e-mail address or other contact information, you understand and agree that any Communications shall nevertheless be deemed to have been provided to you if they were made available to you in electronic form on our website or e-mailed to the e-mail address we have for you in our records.
We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to discontinue providing records in electronic form. We also reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of this disclosure and consent. If required by law, we will provide you with notice of any such termination or change, and request a new consent.
If you download or print any confidential materials, such as your transaction history, be sure that you store them in a secure environment, just as you would paper-based bank records.
Click on the "I Accept" button to agree to the electronic delivery of the Communications, or select the "Cancel" button to exit from these setup procedures and decline electronic delivery.